Thursday, October 30, 2008

If you trust God, he will give you the desires of your heart.

I love God with all my heart an as a Christian I know and believe that he will take care of us and provide everything we need, and day after day he proves this to me in some many ways and I am so grateful to him for everything. I just was thinking the other day, I really don't know how long I have been nagging my 21 year old son to go out and get a job, and his answer to me was always I am waiting on God ( I thought you need to go out and look)but God knew that desires of his heart and what he really need it and want it, and guess what? after all this time and much praying from Billy and everyone, Billy got a wonderful job, a job that lets him show and share that great talent God gave him to bring teens to the lord, to make people stop and!!! look around and see God in everything. Today he came home and at 3:00 a.m he showed his Dad and I his first video for his new job, I sat there and watched it and then look at my husband and could not believe how wonderful it was. I then went to bed, but before I went to sleep I thank God for Billy and his great Faith, I thank God for giving a son that believes in a God that is awesome and knows that Billy will wait faithfully for his timing, because God knows Billy will do his best and what ever it takes to show him how grateful he is and how much he loves him. Thank you God for taking time to give my Crazy Billy the desires of his heart.

1 comment:

-Billy said...

thanks by the way you do have to look for stuff like work but God had already told me what i would be doing that's y i didn't try vary hard.